2015 oration to trace development of the nursing profession in Australia

Dr Georgina WillettsThe 13th Henry Parkes Oration will be delivered by Dr Georgina Willetts in Tenterfield, NSW, on the topic ‘From Nightingale nurses to a modern profession: the journey of nursing in Australia’.

Dr Willetts will trace the profession from its beginnings when nurse Lucy Osburn arrived in Sydney as superintendent of the ‘Sydney Infirmary’ in 1868, at Henry Parkes’ request. Establishment of the Nightingale schools for nurse training soon followed.

Parkes’ support and Miss Osburn’s dedication laid strong foundations, but the many challenges along the way have required new solutions and new approaches.

As a descendant of Parkes as well as a distinguished nursing educator, Georgina Willetts offers a unique perspective on the development and current role of this vitally important profession.

13th Henry Parkes Oration
2pm, Saturday 17 October 2015.
Sir Henry Parkes Memorial School of Arts, Tenterfield

Free, but booking recommended. (02) 6736 6100 or email h.bolton@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au

UPDATE 22 October 2015: Read the full text

Dr Georgina Willetts, DEd(Melb), MEd(Melb), RN:RM, MRCNA, AIMM, has over 30 years acute nursing experience and a distinguished academic career. Currently coordinating the Bachelor of Nursing at Monash University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Victoria (Clayton Campus) in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, she has wide experience in management, education and practice development, with research interests across education, leadership and professional identity in nursing. She is a great, great granddaughter of Sir Henry Parkes.